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Graduate School of Royal University of Agriculture was established in 2002 to coordinate master and continuing education programs.


Graduate School is a leading higher education institution in Cambodia and offering education service and train graduate students with high quality and meet international standard.


· Educate and train graduate students in agriculture and related fields with high quality, moral, and innovative which are relevant to the demand of the country and become managers, researchers, lecturers in government, non-governmental organizations, private companies or run their own business.

· Offer continuing education to students, government staff in agriculture and related fields to fulfill demand of human resource for agricultural development in Cambodia.

· Conduct research on modern and appropriate technologies.

Research PhD Program
  Currently one Research PhD Program in Agricultural Science.

Master Programs 
  Master Programs have two kinds: Course work plus research and research only 

  • Natural Resource Management 
  • Integrated Management of Agricultural and Rural Development 
  • Crop Science 
  • Animal Sciences 
  • Food Science and Technology