
What is GIDAR?

GIDAR is an abbreviation of “Gestion Intégrée du Développent Agricole et Rurale”, meaning Integrated Management of Agricultural and Rural Development (IMARD) in English. It is considered to be one of the most important and visible outcomes derived from the collaborative work between RUA and FSP Project.

Why was GIDAR proposed?

The farming systems of rural farmers in Cambodia are known to be complex and subjected to a multitude of exogenous influences. This raises the need for a holistic and integrated systemic approach, with which professionals can consider the various functions of rural areas, and work out more effective impacts of the development projects and activities. The implementation of such a new approach of rural and agricultural development requires trained people with specific and multi-disciplinary skills for designing, decision-making, and managing rural and agricultural development policies, programs and projects.

What is the innovation of GIDAR Master Program?

The most important value of the GIDAR Master Program is the integration of economic and social sciences with applied agricultural and environmental sciences, i.e. plant, animal, aquaculture, soil and food sciences. Such an integration of knowledge and skills would be very useful for the students to successfully develop and manage projects, programs and activities for future rural and agricultural development in a sustainable way.


The Goal of GIDAR Master Program

The program offers the opportunity for students and staff to develop a more appropriate methodology and professional skills attuned to the current situations of rural and agriculture in Cambodia.

The Objectives of GIDAR Master Program

The salient objectives of GIDAR Master Program are:

· To develop fundamental knowledge in multiple disciplines related to agricultural and rural development;
· To develop personal and professional skills by applying the knowledge in the real context of rural area (on-farm, agri-business…);
· To integrate applied sciences (both agriculture and environment) with social and economic sciences in order to conduct and/or manage agricultural development in Cambodian rural and sub-urban areas in a sustainable way; and
· To better prepare students for higher education (i.e., Ph.D. levels).

Admission Requirements

Bachelor of Science degree or recognized equivalent academic degree in agricultural sciences or in related fields such as environment, forestry, animal and veterinary sciences, biology, geography, and agro-industry. Applications with degrees in other disciplines such as social sciences and economics can also be admitted upon the decision of the academic committee on the basis of curriculum vitae and other evidence. The application of candidates having professional experiences in the fields of rural development and/or agricultural education is strongly encouraged.

Interested applicant are required to fill the application form and enclose with the following documents:

· Authentic certificate and transcript records showing the grade point average (or other equivalent system) of Bachelor’s degree;
· At least a letter of recommendation from former employers, instructors or supervisors;
· Copies of certificates of language and/or computer proficiency or skills, if any;
· Copies of research publications, if any; and
· Permission letters from governmental offices or ministries if applicants are government officers (in case student enrolls in full-time program).

Program Structure

The two-year GIDAR Master Program is organized over four semesters, with a total of 66 credits. This ensures a program with a strong common standard and a wide flexibility to accommodate the students with different interests, language knowledge and background.


Transversal or horizontal skills:

The demand in the rural labor market is not only oriented towards technical skills but also towards ‘transversal’ or so-called ‘horizontal’ capacities. The transversal or horizontal modules to be incorporated into the GIDAR Master Program:

            - Introduction to Scientific Writing and Communication

            - Concept of General and Human Resources Management

            - Development of Pedagogy, Facilitation and Negotiation Skills

Tuition Fee:      - US$ 700 / year